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Substance abuse is a huge problem in Australia. The most recent United Nations Report on Drugs indicates 269 million people use drugs each year. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) many pregnant women in Australia use substances which are harmful to their unborn children during pregnancy. AIHW reports 10% of women smoke, 35% drink alcohol, 2.3% use illicit drugs, and 1.9% use prescription painkillers for non-medical purposes during pregnancy. Pregnant women in remote and very remote areas, and those living in greater socioeconomic disadvantage are more likely to use substances compare others.

There are currently over 46,000 children and young people in out-of-home care in Australia. Parental substance use commonly contributes to the constellation of reasons for a child’s removal from parental care as it is a key risk factor for child abuse and neglect. In 2019 the AIHW reported nearly 15% of parents in Australia used illicit substances. A growing body of research insists that parental substance misuse has the potential to negatively impact on virtually every aspect of a child’s health and development, from conception onwards.

For many years it was thought that the placenta worked as a filter and protected unborn babies from harmful substances. We now know that the placenta does not offer the sort of protection we once thought (or hoped). The full impact of infant exposure to harmful substances is not known, however, many short and long term implications have been identified. This article will discuss the potential short and long term effects of prenatal substance exposure, as well as provide strategies to manage these effects.

Babies who are exposed to addictive substances before birth often experience withdrawal after birth. During this time babies may experience a range of symptoms that require hospitalisation for supportive treatment. These symptoms may include; tremors, seizures, hyperactive reflexes, restlessness, poor feeding, breathing difficulties, sweating, vomiting, and loose or watery stools and a very distinctive high-pitched cry. Withdrawing babies are easily startled and struggle to self soothe. Many substance exposed babies are born premature and undernourished and require invasive therapies such as mechanical ventilation or feeding via a nasogastric tube to support their growth and development during withdrawal.

Withdrawal from addictive substances is an extremely uncomfortable experience. What’s more, many of the symptoms (eg. tremors) cause the baby to expend large amounts of energy. This increased energy consumption is problematic given most substance exposed babies are born undernourished and experience feeding difficulties. When symptoms are deemed severe, the decision may be made to medicate in order to decrease discomfort and demand on the baby’s body. The amount of medication the baby is given slowly decreases as the symptoms of withdrawal subside and the baby grows. Sometimes babies are discharged from hospital still receiving medication. When this occurs, it is very important to follow the instructions provided by the health professionals in order to ensure the baby is properly medicated.

Irritability during withdrawal and the period thereafter is a common complaint from nurses, parents and carers. Strategies proven to comfort the irritable baby are simple and easy to apply. Reducing excess stimulation, like light and noise, is very effective in helping to soothe an easily startled baby. The use of ‘white noise’ or soft music can help to block out regular household noises, such as other children. Swaddling is an age-old practice that not only helps the baby to feel safe and secure, but also protects him from his own startle reflex. Although historically controversial, research has now demonstrated dummy’s are not only effective in providing comfort, but also help ease pain. In fact, dummy’s used at bedtime are associated with a lower risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Possibly the most important and most effective strategy for soothing an irritable substance exposed baby is skin-to-skin contact. In the conventional context, skin-to-skin care is where a new born baby is placed on the biological mother’s bare chest. In foster care, skin-to-skin contact is modified to facilitate the baby’s contact with the carer. Ideally, the baby’s cheek lays on the foster carers upper chest (eg. By wearing a scoop neck t-shirt). This allows the baby to hear your heartbeat, smell your sent, and feel your warmth. Skin-to-skin contact has been found to improve feeding difficulties, reduce pain and promote brain development! So snuggle up!

It’s important to remember that not all babies who are exposed to substances during pregnancy will go through withdrawal. For example, while a baby that is exposed to heroin will likely withdrawal and be quite irritable (particularly if their mother was using close to the time of birth) a baby who was exposed to methamphetamine (AKA Ice) is likely to be very quiet and withdrawn. These quiet babies are often referred to as “perfect babies” as they self-soothe from the start. However, this is not actually a good thing. Babies need stimulation and interaction for their brains to develop in a healthy fashion. Don’t be lured into thinking that quiet babies don’t have issues which need addressed.

After withdrawal, some babies will grow and develop without any obvious long-term consequences of their prenatal substance exposure. However, many babies will experience physical, cognitive, and behavioural difficulties throughout childhood and adolescence. Understanding these difficulties are a direct result of their prenatal substance exposure can help foster carers to support children and adolescents struggling with these issues.

Many substance exposed children are born, and remain, small in size and stature compared to other children. This can have significant negative implications during adolescent years in terms of self-image and self-esteem. Good-intentioned comments about future growth spurts can serve to promote false hope and generate disappointment. Helping children to embrace and value themselves for who they are, not how they look, is paramount!

Fine and gross motor development delays are not uncommon amongst children and young people with a history of substance exposure. It is very important that foster carers are knowledgeable of “normal” developmental milestones (for example; when should a baby first roll over? Or what is the “normal” age to begin walking?). The earlier a delay is identified, the sooner supportive intervention can be accessed. Assistance from a physiotherapist or occupational therapist may be helpful for children who are not meeting their milestones in a timely fashion.

Substance exposure has been found to influence cognitive functioning. Most often it is the child’s executive functioning that is altered. Executive functioning is responsible for three main cognitive features; impulse control, working memory and mental flexibility. Alterations to these three capacities generally present as poor behaviour and often seems to develop ‘out of the blue’. Seeking the assistance of a child psychologist to identify strategies to assist individual children to improve their executive functioning may be helpful.

Children with poor impulse control struggle to follow the rules. They need continual encouragement and regular reinforcement of good behaviour. Poor impulse control is one of the reasons children with a history of substance exposure are more likely to use substance or engage in early sexual contact. Strategies to minimise temptation and distraction will help protect young people from long-term consequences of poor impulse control.

A poor working memory often leaves children lost when given a list of instructions. This becomes increasingly obvious in the classroom as children progress through the school system. Strategies to support these children include; providing one instruction at a time and the use of picture cards (for children who do not yet read) or written instruction so that children can revisit the instruction as needed.

Mental flexibility is the ability to adapt to change. Many children with a history of substance exposure thrive on routine. Predictability provides comfort and minimises anxiety. Consistency is key in caring for these children. Understanding the importance of routine can help foster carers to support children who may struggle with change. It’s important to take the time to talk about change, before it occurs (if possible) as well as after. Helping children to reflect on occasions they managed small change will go a long way to building resilience and helping them to manage larger change in the future.

This article has offered some insight into the effects of prenatal substance exposure. Caring for children and young people with a history of substance exposure is both challenging and rewarding. Every child is unique and requires individualised care. As your child’s foster carer, you are best suited to identify the needs of your child and seek out assistance to achieve optimal outcomes.

This article was written and authorised for use by our guest blogger Dr Stacy Blythe - Foster carer and Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney University.

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24 Apr, 2023
In Australia, 7.6% of all children aged 0-14 have some sort of disability, with intellectual and developmental disabilities being the most common. An intellectual impacts children’s ability to learn knowledge and skills, is generally measured by IQ and can be mild to profound. Developmental disabilities can be physical or mental including things like autism. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities are a particularly vulnerable group with greater caregiving needs. Unfortunately, they are also at an increased risk of experiencing maltreatment. Consequently, many children with intellectual and developmental disabilities are placed into foster/kinship care. Children with disabilities are overrepresented in out-of-home care. Currently there are just over 46,200 children in out-of-home care in Australia. However, the disability status is only known for 63% (~29,100) of these children and of these about 30% (>8,730) are reported as having some sort of disability. This means there is a significant number foster and kinship carers providing care to children with disabilities in Australia. Recently, my colleagues and I went to the research literature in order to get a better understanding of what we know about children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in out-of-home care. Our paper can be accessed here What we found was very sad; Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in out-of-home care are an understudied population. In truth, there is very little research regarding their experiences or needs. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities have increased needs and when their families are not well supported, they may experience maltreatment and require foster/kinship care. There is a lot of research which suggests that foster/kinship carers are not supported in their caregiving role. Not surprisingly, when foster/kinship carers are not well supported when caring for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, placements breakdown. This means there is a large number of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in residential care. Foster/kinship carers are not always given accurate information regarding the health and/or disability status of children prior to the children’s placement. This can result in multiple placements for children. Like all children, those with intellectual and developmental disabilities need safe, loving homes. Unfortunately, they are most at risk of not achieving this in their own families and after placement into foster/kinship care. There is a clear need to better support families of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in order to prevent maltreatment and placement into care. There is also an urgent need to better support carers of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. By supporting carers, children have more stable homes and better outcomes (not to mention, happier and healthier carers). If you care providing care to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, here are a few strategies to help you in your caregiving role: Look after yourself. Self-care is not an option; it should be a priority! Remember, it is not only the child(ren) in care, but the rest of the household who is impacted when the primary caregiver is feeling weary. Caring for yourself will enable you to provide the best quality care and feel the most satisfaction in your caregiving role. Ask for help. Don’t assume the agency/department will say ‘no’ and if they do, ask again. Reach out to the Foster and Kinship Carers Association for support and advice, they may be able to refer you to services. Educate yourself. Learn as much as you can about the children’s disabilities and the services available to them. Also learn all you can about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as this can support you and the children. For example, it may fund regularly occupational therapy sessions for the children, which gives you a free hour for a quiet cuppa and some ‘me time’. Look for ways to have your voice heard. It should be noted that we found NO research related to the experiences of foster/kinship carers who provide care to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are now planning a program of research that will explore carers experiences. We hope to get a better understanding of both the challenges and rewards associated with providing care to these children so that we can help develop models of support. Remember, some days are easier than others, but every day is worth it. Try to remember to focus on the children, not their disabilities. They need fun, love and safety just like any other child. This article was written and authorised for use by our guest blogger Dr Stacy Blythe - Foster carer and Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney University.
23 Apr, 2023
We are currently seeking nominations to join our hardworking and dedicated volunteer Board. The Board consists of six (6) Registered Carer Members and four (4) Invited Persons. Each Board member holds their position for a period of two years, with half of the Board being up for nomination each year to allow for continuity and transfer of corporate knowledge. Board responsibilities: Working closely with our CEO, the Board is responsible to: · Set the organisation’s strategic direction with clear goals and objectives · Ensure policies and procedures are in place for effective governance and risk management · Provide adequate resources for growth and sustainability · Bring ideas to help shape the future of our organisation As an inclusive organisation, we value and support diversity and welcome people from all backgrounds and actively encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply to ensure voices from across the Territory are represented. Our Board Members are volunteers who support our organisation with their skills, services and expertise. Reimbursements are provided for reasonable travel and other expenses incurred through their work for Foster & Kinship Carers Association NT. They are required to attend a minimum of 4 board meetings each year. Each nominee must be willing to obtain a National Police Clearance and Working With Children's Clearance (Ochre Card) and provide a recent colour digital image of yourself (head and shoulders - max size 500KB) as part of your nomination. Nominations close one week before the Annual General Meeting. Nomination forms are available for download below. For further information, please contact our CEO, Amanda Thompson on 1300 352 268.
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By Doctor Stacy Blythe 26 Oct, 2022
Every family is unique. Some families are loud and boisterous, with everyone fighting to get a word in edgewise, while others are more private and reserved. Every family has its own way of communicating, and that communication style is an integral part of building healthy relationships, as well as individual self-esteem. Effective communication within a family can strengthen relationships in good times and repair relationships in trying times. Communication can be defined as a way to share information, ideas and emotions between people. Communication requires a minimum of two people; someone to send a message, and someone to receive it. Communication is considered effective when the messages sent, verbally and/or non-verbally, are received and correctly interpreted. Our ability to effectively send, receive and interpret messages begins developing from birth. For example, at one-month-old an infant can notice and perceive facial features, and by three months of age can discriminate between smiles and frowns (1). Our relational experiences during these early exchanges influence our neurological development. According to the Harvard Center on the Developing Child, when an infant sends a message, such as babbling or crying, and an adult responds appropriately, with eye contact or cuddles, healthy neurological connections are built within the brain. Repeated, appropriate exchanges strengthen the infant’s neurological connections. When children do not experience appropriate, responsive relationships early in life, their ability to effectively communicate can be significantly compromised. Generally, our ability to send, receive and interpret messages begins within our family context. The way we communicate within our families can influence all of our relationships and the way we interact with the outside world. Many children who enter the foster care system have difficulty expressing themselves, the messages they send do not always clearly convey their intended meaning. Similarly, these children may also struggle to receive and accurately interpret messages. Effectively communicating with these children can be challenging but is extremely important as it can help facilitate healing, develop attachment and create a sense of belonging. In fact, recent research that suggests that children who feel able to share their feelings with their families are more likely to develop resilience (2). Developing effective communication within foster families can be particularly challenging as some children may have had little opportunity to develop healthy communication skills while others may have learned unhealthy communication skills. 1 – Understand that many children have not learned healthy communication from a very early age. Research has demonstrated that the experience of maltreatment can alter children’s interpretation of facial expressions (3). This can cause them to react defensively to a neutral face as though it was angry, with observers thinking the child is over-reacting. For example, I’ve seen a young person snap “What?” when they walked into a room where someone turned to look at them. Helping children to learn to recognise and interpret facial expressions correctly can help to reduce this misinterpretation. This can be achieved using facial expression flash cards which can be ordered online or making a game out of pulling faces at one another, there are many examples of such games on YouTube 2 – Be present when communicating and be an active listener. There are so many distractions for families these days. Schedules are busy, technology can be interfering, and the need to multi-task can often distract parents when children are trying to communicate. Make an effort to give your children your undivided attention when they are communicating with you. Once the children are finished talking, practice paraphrasing what said and repeat it back to ensure you have understood, this will help avoid miscommunication and help the children feel valued. 3 – Create opportunities to practice communication. Family meals are a wonderful opportunity to for adults to model and children to practice communication skills. Scheduling these regularly can contribute to a sense of safety and stability. Planning activities to guide the conversation during meals can also make them fun, and facilitate attachment. ‘Would you rather’ is an easy conversational game that offers children a choice between two things. For example; “Would you rather be a chicken or a rabbit?” Once the children make a choice, encourage them to provide a reason. This provides interesting insights to individual children and can often result in lots of laughs! There are many sample questions available online or you can make your own up. 4 – Attack the problem, not each other. No family is perfect, disagreements happen from time to time. The way you communicate with your spouse, your own parents and siblings as well as other children in the house will be scrutinised by children, particularly when there are disagreements. Ensure you model discussions that focus on the problem, not the people involved. For example, 5 – Model good communication both inside and outside the family. Whether it be a school teacher, a health care professional, the children’s social worker, an employee at the local grocery store, or another driver on the road, be mindful that the children in your care are watching how you interact with others. When possible, use these interactions as a source of reflection with older children, pointing out what components are good and/or poor communication and brainstorming ways to improve future interactions. If you are the one who is not being a good communicator, own up to it. For example, if you are preoccupied with your smart phone when a child is telling you about their day, stop and acknowledge it. Tell the child, “I’m sorry. I was supposed to be listening to you, but I let myself get distracted and I wasn’t paying attention. Please, try again and tell me about your day, because I really do want to listen.” Developing good communication within families can take time, but is worth the effort. Families with healthy communication develop trust and form strong connections with one another. This creates an atmosphere of safety and a sense of security, which makes all members of the family feel valued and loved. (1) Sauter, D. A. (2017). The nonverbal communication of positive emotions: An emotion family approach. Emotion Review, 9(3), 222-234. (2) Bethell, C., Jones, J., Gombojav, N., Linkenbach, J., & Sege, R. (2019). Positive childhood experiences and adult mental and relational health in a statewide sample: Associations across adverse childhood experiences levels. JAMA pediatrics, 173(11), e193007-e193007. (3) Pfaltz, M. C., Passardi, S., Auschra, B., Fares-Otero, N. E., Schnyder, U., & Peyk, P. (2019). Are you angry at me? Negative interpretations of neutral facial expressions are linked to child maltreatment but not to posttraumatic stress disorder. European journal of psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1682929. This article was written and authorised for use by our guest blogger Dr Stacy Blythe and originally appeared in Foster Families Today
By Sarah O'Neill 01 Sep, 2022
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26 Jul, 2022
Foster & Kinship Carers NT welcomes Bailey Tambling from Olive Editing , who has joined us as the board’s secretariat support. She assists the board with document preparation, minute-taking at board meetings and editing or proofreading tasks where needed. Bailey is from a long line of Territorians, from World War II education pioneers to parliamentarians, and she’s excited to be helping our NT organisation. Bailey’s assistance with the board means we can focus on our decision-making and continue to move forward without the hold-ups of paperwork and note-taking. Bailey’s business, Olive Editing , provides editing, proofreading and transcription services for government agencies, small businesses, individuals and not-for-profit organisations around the NT and Australia. Bailey believes in the benefits of improving life outcomes for vulnerable people. Working with FKCANT and meeting some of the foster carers who contribute to these outcomes has only strengthened her belief in systems that are working for the betterment of our future Territorians.
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